Friday, March 30, 2007


Simply stated, an "as is" home sale means the seller must disclose to the buyer all known defects, but the seller will not pay for any repairs.

Does an "as is" home sale mean the seller doesn't have to disclose known defects and can conceal them, as the seller of a used car might do? The answer is "definitely not."

Although two or three states still seem to follow the old common-law rule of "caveat emptor" (let the buyer beware), the modern law today in most states has evolved to "Let the home seller beware of the buyer and the buyer's lawyer."

In other words, even "as is" home sellers must reveal to the buyer all material defects of which they are aware. But "as is" sellers do not have to make any warranties or representations, and need not pay for any repairs to correct material defects.

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