Knowing the key reasons many home sellers elect to sell "as is," home buyers can benefit from such sales if they know how to protect themselves.
The best way for a buyer to protect against an unscrupulous seller who "forgot" to disclose a serious but known home defect is for the buyer to include a professional inspection contingency clause in the purchase offer.
Buyers of every house and condominium should include such an inspection clause making the purchase offer contingent on the buyer's approval of their professional home inspector's report. That means, after the home seller accepts the buyer's purchase offer, the buyer hires a professional inspector and then approves or disapproves their written report.
Home buyers should be wary of inspectors recommended by the real estate agent. Such an inspector might be known as "easy" and not a "deal killer." Ask such inspectors recommended by a realty agent about their experience, background and professional memberships.
An excellent credential is an experienced independent inspector who belongs to one of the professional home inspections organizations.